Friday, February 4, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #29

I haven't done this in forever! So I thought I would give it a go again.

1. Since most of the country has had nasty weather, what has your weather been like this week?
It's been awful! Way too cold! We got sleet and then snow last night. People were so crazy on the roads today. They were slipping and sliding everywhere. There were a couple of times where our tires just kept spinning and we weren't going anywhere. It's funny that it took a week to get here but it took a couple of hours to melt.

2. What is/are your best money saving tip(s)?
We plan our meals before we go shopping. Everyday there isn't a day where I don't have something to cook. It's really cut down on our grocery bill. We aren't going in there blind wondering what we should and shouldn't be getting.
3. What was your favorite vehicle you’ve ever owned??
It would most definitely be my current vehicle! My 2011 Honda Civic. I've had it for three and a half weeks now.

4. What is a question you’d like to see asked in a future fill-in? (Your question & blog just may appear one week!)
What has been your favorite duty station and why?
(Sorry if this question has already been asked!)
5. Fill in the blank: You might be a MilSpouse if….
Hearing noises from the gunneries and artillery at home don't phase you anymore.


Athena said... [Reply to comment]

Just stopping by via the fill-in!

Have a great weekend :)

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